Physical Exams
Striving to provide beneficial preventative care
You’ve seen the signage around the office and you’ve heard the not-so-subtle hints: “Be sure to get your annual physical!” But preventive care is more than just “checking the box”. It’s the most important step you can take to manage your health.
Many of the top risk factors leading to illness and premature death are preventable. A comprehensive preventive care program can lower your odds of becoming another statistic.
Your physical exam will include:
- Overall health assessment
- Assessment of Risk Factors
- Immunizations
- Social/Family/& Past Medical History
- Referrals for Preventative Testing
- Order appropriate lab work
- Pap Smear & Breast Exams
Fewer trips to the doctor, urgent care or the emergency room to treat problems associated with preventable risk factors add up to a higher quality of life and more money in your pocket. Book your preventative care exam today!
*Please note, all insurances do not cover these tests as preventative. We will file them as preventative, but please be aware your insurance may process them and put them towards a deductible or co-insurance.